Natalya Verscheure, Director, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Branch in the Prevention Services Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Natalya oversees and provides the strategic direction for statewide efforts to increase healthy eating, encourage active living, increase access to healthy, equitable, and livable communities, prevent tobacco use, and prevent and manage chronic disease. She works with a team of incredibly talented and dedicated professionals who support statewide work in policy, systems and environmental change to eliminate health disparities and promote health and health equity.
For over nine years, Natalya was the Tobacco Program Manager, developing and implementing the strategic vision, programmatic goals, and objectives of the Tobacco Education, Prevention, and Cessation state—and federal-funded grants program, which has an annual budget of over $24 million.
Before joining the Tobacco Program, Natalya had over 10 years of experience in the Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response field, serving in various roles, including CDC and Hospital Preparedness Grants Program Manager. She also did a short stint as a Contracts Manager, working on a variety of process improvement initiatives in the Prevention Services Division.
Natalya stumbled into public health many years ago from the private sector consultancy world and never looked back. She holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Maryland.
Outside of her professional life, Natalya enjoys a vibrant and active lifestyle. She loves traveling and enjoys being outdoors year-round, hiking, skiing, and camping. Natalya is an avid reader and a music-listening enthusiast.