Developing & Connecting Leaders

Developing & Connecting

Leadership is behavior, not a personality trait or a position on an organizational chart.

Since 1998, we have trained our region’s leaders with exemplary behaviors and timely new awareness.

Leadership Training 
With deep experience in the health, environment, public and private sectors, RIHEL is the preferred source for leadership and professional development throughout the Rocky Mountain region. 

Leadership Community
With well over 1,000 graduates from our comprehensive programs, we continually grow a network of forward-thinking professionals – all dedicated to improving the health and environment of their communities.

Upcoming Events

ALTP: Advanced Leadership Training Program 2024-2025

ALTP is rooted in the values of Collaboration, Self-reflection, Justice & Belonging, and the belief that Leadership is Behavior.

Learn more about RIHEL’s year-long signature program, designed for mid-career public health, health, and environment professionals in the Rocky Mountain region.

With over 1,000 graduates, ALTP alumni are now leading public and environmental health organizations throughout the US.

The standard application process has ended, but please contact us if you are interested in applying for the 2024-2025 cohort (beginning in August 2024).

Attend a free Information Session:
May 30, 2024 from 12-1pm MTN (Zoom)

Coaching Academy 24-25

An accredited coaching education program

This one-year comprehensive program prepares participants to provide professional level coaching. Gain fundamental skills, practical experience, and a strong foundation of coaching competencies. This is an excellent course for leaders and those seeking coaching education.

Program begins July 11, 2024.

Early Bird Registration ends May 31, 2024.

RIHEL's Reach

Trainings Delivered
0 +
Leadership Graduates
0 +
Workshops Participants
0 +

Our Attendees Span the Community

What Our Attendees Say

"Not only do the faculty and staff provide a holistic leadership approach, but they provide a welcoming and safe environment that encourages vulnerability and honesty."
"ALTP made me realize I can be an effective leader - and I don't need to be in a formal manager or leader role at work to practice leadership."
 "Leadership isn't always about achieving BIG results... small successes are just as important as big ones."
"...and, an added bonus is that you end up making life-long connections with professionals throughout the country!"

Key Partners

RIHEL is a Lifetime Non-Profit Sustaining Member of the Colorado Environmental Health Association.

RIHEL is an active partner within the Regional Training Network. We are stronger together.

RIHEL receives essential infrastructure support from University College at Denver University. 

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